Friday, January 16, 2015

Blogging 2015: 79.3 down, 1935.7 to go

After going to bed at 6:30pm last night, I woke up naturally at 4am feeling refreshed.  Which is a good thing, because I had planned to workout at 5:15am.  It's kind of novel to not hit snooze when the alarm goes off at 4:30.

I kicked today's ass.  I'm still riding the red tide and dealing with all the fabulousness that that entails, but I decided that I wasn't going to be sidelined today.  I would just deal and see what happened.  Overall I feel pretty decent right now.  I may regret it tomorrow, but for the moment life is good.

I started my day with some melon pre-WOD.  Fantastic husband picked this one out and it is delicious.

Today's WOD was deadlift heavy, which was fun.  I haven't deadlifted in a while.  I also did some 24" box jumps, which are decidedly less scary than they were a month or so ago.  Also rowing.  I'm improving at that, but I could be faster.  I mean, I'm pretty tall, so rowing should be my thing.

I took a sweaty selfie to prove I went.  Notice it's still dark, even AFTER the workout.  

Seriously, I am so pretty.

Came home and made some breakfast, ham with eggs and cheese.  Plus some more melon because it was pretty fucking great the first time around.

Basic but tasty.

Fantastic husband went to the Y for his workout and the smalls opted to stay home.  That meant the treadmill for me.  I'm making peace with the treader.  I don't love it, but I feel more positive about it.  I think part of the problem I had in the past is watching TV from the treadmill doesn't work.  It generates enough white noise to cancel out dialogue so I couldn't watch anything that had a plot.  Lately I've been Netflixing on my phone with headphones while the kids watch cartoons.  It's much more effective.  My chosen viewing is documentaries.  For some reason they really pass the time quickly.  I've learned more about the American prison system in the last week...

I need more of these pants.  
They make my ass look fantastic.

After my 8 mile jaunt on the treader, I had a snack.

No oranges? Eat apples.

The girl child had a Girl Scout field trip to Eagle III today.  I did shower before going.  I'm not a barbarian.  After the field trip (which was pretty cool, I have to say) we made a Costco stop because I was out of oranges and that is not an acceptable state of being.  I also really wanted a wheel of brie, because while I was sucking it up today?  My uterus just wanted some fucking brie.  Okay?  Okay.

Also mango and raspberries.

Did a little knitting, then geared up for hip hop yoga.  Fantastic husband came home from his training and I was out the door to Jenstar for happy hour.  There were a boatload of CF people there tonight.  I've decided that a class that CrossFit heavy should be dubbed broga.  I had an orange on the way.  Of course I did.

Still tasty.

I'm utter crap with removing make-up.  I never wash my face before bed, I just change clothes, crawl in, and konk out.  Hot yoga is extremely effective at removing make-up.  Except for mascara.  That stayed put.

Clean face, gross hair.

I know the reason you read this blog is for the sweaty selfies.  The more I look at these the less sense my face makes.  I should stop.

Fantastic husband made Chinese pepper steak with cauli rice for dinner.  This is the portion I'm going to eat later, once I've washed the smelly spawn and put them to bed for the night.

I can't wait.

Whew.  So there you have it.  Tomorrow I'm dragging the spawn to the 8:15 free WOD.  Then it's dishes and laundry and housework.  Because I lead a glamorous life, bitches.

On to spawn washing!!

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